
Project Agrosavia completed and installed

Hotraco Horti completed the installation of the Agrosavia project

The Colombian agricultural research corporation Agrosavia completed their project and installed Hotraco Horti's automation systems. Our technicians from Colombia did the commissioning and finished in January 2020.

The Orion-GC controls the climate of the research greenhouses to optimize the growth of the crop. We delivered new fans and motor controls. Also pad cooling was installed controlled by GP pump units.

The Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation Agrosavia, is a decentralized public entity of mixed non-profit, scientific and technical participation. Its purpose is to work in the field of scientific knowledge and agricultural technological development through scientific research. Through the adaptation of technologies, transfer and advice in order to improve the competitiveness of production and sustainability in the use of natural resources the institute wants to contribute to raising the quality of life of the population. We are extremely proud that Agrosavia trusts the capabilities of our competences and our systems to create a stable growing environment for research purposes where this is of course a major factor.